16th September 2024NousmedisIs your office pet-friendly?In today’s modern workplace, a pet-friendly office is becoming more than just a trendy perk; it reflects a growing shift…Elena Miguel
28th August 2024Catalog AutomationBack to work: post-holiday blues, flooded in-box, and… catalog automation?Struggling with post-vacation work stress? Back to work and catalog automation can be the magical combination to fight against the…Elena Miguel
18th August 2024NousmedisMeet the team: Eduard BlanchEduard Blanch is a quiet, serene, calm, peaceful, placid, carefree, relaxed man. We run short of synonyms to add aura…Elena Miguel
27th July 2024NousmedisHappy 25th Anniversary, Nousmedis!Our company is celebrating its first 25 years of history this year. We are not very fond of looking back…Elena Miguel
20th July 2024NousmedisMeet the team: Jan AubertSometimes behind a wonderful mustache á la Jacques Clouseau, we are greeted every morning during our team meeting by a…Nousmedis Marketing
12th July 2024Technology, TutorialLearn how to efficiently connect Akeneo with EasyCatalogAt Nousmedis we are enthusiastic about technology and product management. When we discover shortcuts, innovative ways to organize product information,…F. Javier Gómez Laínez
1st July 2024NousmedisMeet the team: Jesús SansToday we are going to give our blog a very peaceful touch with the interview to Jesús Sans, Programmer and…Nousmedis Marketing
19th June 2024EasyCatalog, Sales Layer, TutorialCatalog automation in 6 easy steps with EasyCatalog and Sales LayerWe’ve just released a brand-new video on our YouTube channel that showcases the six essential steps of our catalog automation…Nousmedis Marketing
16th June 2024NousmedisMeet the team: Virgi ZapicoA long-awaited moment has arrived for all of us. Today we have the pleasure of chatting with Virgi Zapico our…Nousmedis Marketing