Let us recommend the manuals you can’t miss if you want to master the use and handling of InDesign.
Automating catalog creation with EasyCatalog for Adobe InDesign tutorial 2024
We have prepared and offer you a comprehensive tutorial where we explore the transformative power of EasyCatalog in catalog automation processes.
EasyCatalog version 19 (for InDesign 2024) is now available
65bit has just released version 19 of EasyCatalog, compatible with Adobe InDesign 2024, full of new features and improvements.
Live with Profeivan: automating catalogs with InDesign
We tell you about our participation in the YouTube channel of Iván Gómez, graphic designer and Adobe certified instructor in InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, who gave us the opportunity to do a live presentation on automated catalog production.