Meet the team: Virginia Zapico


A long-awaited moment has arrived for all of us. Today we have the pleasure of chatting with Virginia Zapico our talented Graphic Designer at Nousmedis.

In 2015, this intrepid Argentinian arrived in Barcelona on her bicycle, looking to specialize in Digital Publishing. One year later, she joined Nousmedis, providing the artistic touch that not only makes it possible to automate the catalogs of our clients but also defines and characterizes our image.

Virgi -that’s how we affectionately call her- is an admirable woman who has made her way from a very young age, exploring the world and accumulating experiences in different countries. With a unique blend of progressivism and fortitude, she also shows a very tender and endearing side to her personal relationships.

She is, without a doubt, a key part of our team, and with each pedal stroke, she leaves an indelible mark in every place she passes through.

Do you have a morning routine or habit that prepares you for the workday?

In winter, I sleep as much as possible; in summer, my routine changes a lot… I get up early, prepare breakfast, grab a book and go down to the beach to read, sunbathe and take a morning swim while enjoying the sunrise. It’s a routine I discovered a few years ago and have stuck to ever since.

What is your role at Nousmedis?

Although my main role is that of a graphic designer, I also perform data analysis for clients. I am dedicated to perform audits of the original designs and propose improvements to make the automation of those designs more efficient.

What are the 3 professional skills or qualities that you think are most valued at Nousmedis?

The ability to adapt, since the workflow is very fast and we jump from one project to another; the capacity for abstraction, since our main task is to program; and empathy, since it is often difficult for clients to understand our work.

What is your secret superpower at work?

I would say my superpower is experience. I have been in the Nousmedis team since we were only 3 people and, after 8 years in the same sector, I have managed to improve my results and to be fast and effective in my work.

What is one of the projects you have enjoyed the most in the company and why?

I don’t consider myself a creative person, but rather a problem-solver designer. That’s why I like projects that present a challenge from a design standpoint. In that sense, I will never forget the pagination of the ProaPro product sheets or the Gyemo catalog, which allowed me to continue discovering InDesign “tricks”.

Which catalog would you like to automate?

A catalog of bike components!

Do you think that the days of printed publications are numbered?

Hopefully not! There is nothing like the smell of paper and ink. That’s where I’m a romantic.

What do you envision the future of catalog automation to be like?

I believe it has a great future ahead of it, as long as it adapts to technological innovations as they emerge.

Can you share a recent accomplishment, either personal or professional, of which you are particularly proud?

For the last few years I have been a teacher in a Master’s Degree in Editorial Design where I teach everything I learned at Nousmedis. I love it because, in addition to giving a different feel to my work routine, it allows me to show students the pragmatic side of design.

Tell us a funny anecdote you have experienced at Nousmedis or a favorite moment.

During video calls with clients, I’m an expert at forgetting to share my screen when I’m supposed to be doing it. So I explain things without showing anything. I also often use photos of my nephews instead of product images.

If you could swap roles with anyone on the team for a day, who would you choose and why?

I wish I had Jan’s ability to program quickly and without errors, and Elena’s ability to remember every detail of each project.

When you are not working, we can find you…

Riding one of my bicycles.

Recommend a book, a podcast, a series, a movie you’ve been obsessing about lately.

I am reading a novel by the Argentinean author Graciela Beatriz Cabal. The book is called Secretos de Familia and tells the story of a girl growing up in Argentina in the 1940s. The nice thing about reading it is that I record audios of each chapter and share them with my family in Argentina. It has become a nice habit, to the point where no one wants it to end, but everyone claims their weekly dose.

What is the best advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?

“Everything happens for a reason.” I don’t know who told me this (probably many people), but it’s been my mantra for a while now.

If in addition to Virginia you want to meet the other members of the team, don’t miss the rest of the interviews in our Blog!

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