Catalog automation in 6 easy steps with EasyCatalog and Sales Layer

We’ve just released a brand-new video on our YouTube channel that showcases the six essential steps of our catalog automation process. This comprehensive guide was also featured in our latest webinar, where we received fantastic feedback from attendees.

You will be able to see how we streamline catalog automation, making it easier and more efficient than ever before.

If you have installed or are considering installing Sales Layer to manage your product data and now you want to automate your catalog, but you don’t know where to start, you are at the right place and the viewer we are looking for.

In this short video, your will learn how we do it at Nousmedis, in 6 easy steps, thanks to the integration between Sales Layer and the EasyCatalog plug-in for Adobe InDesign:

Clic to access our tutorial on ‘Catalog automation in 6 easy steps with EasyCatalog and Sales Layer’:

Here you have a summary of our nice and easy 6-step process:

Step 1. Data Source Audit & Data Model Proposal

We start by analyzing your product data sources. We can check what you have stored in your ERP, databases, and/or the samples you provide in common formats like spreadsheets, JSON files, etc. After reviewing this data, we propose an optimized data model for managing and classifying your product data into families, categories, subcategories, products, and variants. We also define the relationships between products and decide on the use of additional tables for centralized management of common data.

Step 2. PIM Setup: Data Model & Input & Output Channels

Once we have proposed the data model that will optimize the management of product data in your PIM, we start implementing this agreed data model in Sales Layer. We configure each required field at the category, product, and variant levels. We also set up the necessary sales material tables and determine the fields for establishing relationships with the product and variant tables. If multiple output channels are needed, we configure image fields to create various versions of the same file. We ensure the correct loading of existing product data into the PIM by configuring input channels and using formulas. Finally, we set up an output channel to connect Sales Layer to EasyCatalog.

Step 3. Data Import: Customization & Transformation

We now start the prototyping phase of the catalog to allow an optimal and adequate automation according to your needs. We connect Sales Layer with EasyCatalog using the Enterprise Data Provider module. This live connection allows EasyCatalog to detect changes in product information, indicating new products, modifications, or deletions. We configure the EasyCatalog Data panel to control all product information and adapt it for proper presentation in InDesign using custom fields and advanced configuration options. In complex cases, we use programming languages like LUA or JavaScript. By the end of this phase, the data panel is ready for the design stage.

Step 4. Template Design, Product Prototyping & Programming

The programming of modules and templates using EasyCatalog for Adobe InDesign will allow the automation of your catalogs, technical sheets and price lists in record time and the drastic reduction of errors. With the data prepared, we create InDesign templates and pagination modules. Using EasyCatalog’s techniques and InDesign’s functionality, we program tables to present technical data and use color swatches, object styles, table styles, and cell styles to control the final design. We utilize EasyCatalog’s Pagination and Formatting Rules panels and, as we mentioned before, and if needed, LUA and JavaScript for complex cases.

Step 5. Catalog Pagination & Final Retouches

We generate complete catalog pages to identify and correct any errors before delivering the final project. We demonstrate the catalog automation process to you, making improvements based on your feedback to ensure efficient catalog production. Finally, we deliver the scripts, templates and documentation to your design team.

Step 6. Project Deployment, Training & Support

With Sales Layer, input/output channels, and InDesign templates configured, we connect remotely to ensure proper setup on your computers. Then, we train the content, sales, marketing, design or any other appointed teams on using Sales Layer and EasyCatalog effectively. We record these training sessions for future reference and offer ongoing support to resolve any issues quickly.

This is how Nousmedis makes catalog automation seamless and efficient!

Throughout this process, you will have a team of professionals with more than twenty years of experience in catalog production and automation to guide you through each step.

Are you ready to learn how EasyCatalog revolutionizes your design workflow, allowing product specialists to focus on accurate data entry while designers concentrate on creativity?

We hope this tutorial has provided you with valuable tools to improve your catalog design process. Discover more videos in our YouTube channel and stay tuned for more expert insights on how to automate catalog creation and embrace the ease of design with EasyCatalog in our next tutorials.

And remember, we’re here to help you with your catalog automation projects. Do not hesitate to contact us through the form below to let  us know how we can assist you!

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