Version 17 of EasyCatalog, compatible with InDesign CC2022 is now available from our download page. As it is a major overhaul of InDesign, an additional cost may be applied to update EasyCatalog, unless:
- you have purchased an EasyCatalog license in the past 12 months
- you have updated a version of InDesign CC in the past 6 months
- you have a current maintenance plan
If your update is free, please contact us to request a new license number (please include your serial number to facilitate the update process).
New additions and improvements
- A new entry has been added to the dialog box “Search for and replace fields”, which allows you to select the layer you want to update.
- The “File > New > EasyCatalog Panel” menu has been modified to show the information providers in alphabetical order.
- Improvements in downloading images with a URL storage path. If you select the option “Images > Download latest version”, EasyCatalog will only download a previously downloaded image when the size or modification date have been changed. To do this, the server must support this feature. The image download speed as also been improved.
- “Group by” support in matrix table rows (Table > Matrix Table Options). This allows rows to be grouped by the field selected when configuring a Matrix Table.
- Support for Base64 encoded images.
- When applying the table style via HTML, EasyCatalog applies cell styles defined by table style (To apply a table style, the HTML code must contain the label “class”).
- Improvements in tabular fields: you can directly assign a field to a table cell. When the cell is filled-in, the content of the selected field is used. This way, the format, content, etc., will depend on what is specified in each field.
- The option, “Populate Formatting Rules on Drop”, has been added to the EasyCatalog advanced settings.
- Improved updating of custom fields when their content is changed or the field options modified.
- New option in HTML fields to determine the use of the label by default.
- Improved error reporting when inserting fields.
- Improved inserting images as pinned items.
New commands in custom fields
- GETPARAMETERVALUE. Recover parameter value previously established in the data origin. For example:
- DOESFILEEXIST. Check if a file exists in the path established as a parameter. For example:
- FORMATDATE. Supports three parameters: content, input format and output format. For example:
- DOESDATASOURCEEXIST. Check the existence of the data origin as a parameter.
Improved Pagination > Formatting rules module
- Holding down “Alt/Option” when selecting any of the document update options will stop the formatting rules updating.
- The post processing of formatting rules option supports the Lua and Extendscript languages.
- You can drag the formatting rule to a text flow.
- It is now possible to search for formatting rules in the “Formatting rules” panel using a new search field.
- New field type: Formatting rule.
- Management of data providers through a new dialog box. Only available if you have installed the Enterprise module.
- The “Install EasyCatalog Sample Scripts” in the context menu of the Scripts panel.
- Multiple templates can be added to the template-based pagination. Only available with the Pagination module.